فارسی عربي

Iranian ‘Piece Cemetery 85’ to vie in Turkey

Iranian short ‘Piece Cemetery 85’ is to vie at the 2019 Int’l Amity Short Film fest in Turkey.

Iran’s short ‘Piece Cemetery 85’ has been selected to go on screen at the 2019 edition of the International Amity Short Film Festival in Turkey.

Directed by Shahram Maslakhi, the short narrates the story of a family who is mourning the loss of their father.

“The eldest son in the family insists on burying his father’s favorite carpet, which is an expensive one, with his corpse…” the flick’s synopsis reads.

The Amity fest aims to showcase films with the theme of the relationship between humanity and the universe which is based on friendship.

It intends to create awareness about the concept of friendship through various conferences, competitions, interviews, workshops, and film screenings.

The second edition of the Amity fest is slated for December 13-15 2019.

